“Tranvestite Hooker Incident” – Doug Stanhope

I’ve always had a strong stomach when it comes to “controversial” material from comedians. But Stanhope is literally the only one that has made me shake my head repeatedly saying “My God, that’s so WRONG!” … Of course, while laughing harder than I’ve ever laughed in my life.

The great thing about Stanhope isn’t that he says shocking things … but that he says them so casually and effortlessly. He’s one of the few comedians who probably has actually lived all of the embarrassing, brain and soul searing things he’s ever talked about.

This is the infamous “Tranvestite Hooker Incident” monologue from the superb (and rightfully titled) “Sicko” album. Hysterically funny and shocking stuff, but definitely not safe for work or little ones. Seriously, even if you think you can handle strong material, this is probably beyond your limits. Hopefully, you’ll be laughing too much to care.  Key line:  “YOU stood in line to …  And where’s my $7.50?!?”  Ah… if you dare to listen, you’ll understand.  Don’t say I didn’t warn ya …

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